Overview: 4 images comply with your query Petra "Moghar en Nassara" "Nabatean Architecture" "Armour Frieze" 1997
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Name: Petra_1997_1047.jpg
Keywords: 1997, Armour Frieze, Jordan, Moghar en Nassara, Nabatean Architecture, Petra, Rock cut architecture, Tomb with the Armour
Name: Petra_1997_1048.jpg
Keywords: 1997, Armour Frieze, Jordan, Moghar en Nassara, Nabatean Architecture, Petra, Rock cut architecture, Tomb with the Armour
Name: Petra_1997_349.jpg
Keywords: 1997, Armour Frieze, Jordan, Moghar en Nassara, Nabatean Architecture, Petra, Rock cut architecture, Tomb with the Armour
Name: Petra_1997_490.jpg
Keywords: 1997, Armour Frieze, Jordan, Moghar en Nassara, Nabatean Architecture, Petra, Rock cut architecture, Tomb with the Armour