About the images

Copyright issues

The holders of the copyright of the images are the photographers of the „iconicarchive“. The „iconicarchive“ can give you the right to use its images for research or commercial purposes.

  • You are permitted to access the images on the website and to use and download them for the purposes of non-commercial research, private study, university teaching and for no other purpose.
  • You are not allowed to sell the images or use them for any profit making, commercial or business purposes, or permit others to do so.
  • You may not incorporate the images or part of them into other works, for example, a thesis or personal website.
  • You have to obtain the right to publish images from the museums section directly at the respective museum.

Order information

Your orders can be put in the shopping cart available in every section. Please send the list of images you wish to purchase to the e-mail below. The original images will be sent by mail or – in case of an extensive order – by CD/DVD after receiving the payment on our account. Two different prices categories are applied for TIFF images with full resolution and the permission to be printed:

  • For printed publications with academic purposes: 30 € per image.
  • For all other purposes and commercial prints: 60 € per image.

As the „iconicarchive“ respects the rights of museums and institutions, only images from „Sites“ and „Travels“ can be ordered. For images of monuments within „Museums“, please refer directly to the respective museum.