Data privacy policy

Iconicarchive’s data privacy policy

This data privacy notice sets out how iconicarchive protects and uses personal information and data when visiting our website

Iconicarchive is committed to ensuring that your data is protected and will use your information exclusively to communicate our organisational updates, events, activities, and other related details. Personal data will be treated with confidentiality and will not be transferred to any third party.

Should we ask you to provide information when using the above website and/or our contact forms, you can be assured that it will only be used in accordance with this privacy statement.

What we collect (part 1)

Direct information you provide when registering for access to a restricted area:

  • Name
  • Username
  • Password (encrypted)
  • Email address
  • First and last login timestamp

What we collect (part 2)

Indirect information you provide via your navigation as user of our website. Websites collect and store information that your browser automatically transmits to us, such as:

  • Browser type/version
  • Used operating system
  • Referrer URL
  • Time of query
  • Public IP address

Explanation of terminology: The referrer URL is the address of the website, which has forwarded you to the current website. The public IP address is the internet protocol address or numerical label assigned to your device when accessing the internet.

What we do with the collected information

We periodically send emails about our publications, press releases, newsletters, event invitations, or other relevant information to help you follow our activities. Website navigation information is used for statistical analysis only. You can be assured that this data cannot be associated with individual persons and we do not share this data with any third party or other sources.


We are committed to ensuring that your information is secure. In order to prevent unauthorised access or disclosure, we have put in place suitable physical, electronic and managerial practices to protect and secure the information collected online. All traffic on our website is secured with SSL.


Iconicarchive does not use cookies or third party tools (like Google Analytics) to investigate your surfing behaviour on our website. Only SessionStorage is used to keep track of the opened menu items after a page reload (1 = true/false, 2 = true/false etc.). This information is deleted after closing the browser.

Links to other websites

Our website contains links to other websites of interest. Once you click on a link and leave our site, we do not have any control over the contents of that other website and we cannot take any responsibility for the protection and privacy of information provided or collected whilst visiting other websites which are not governed by this privacy statement. You should exercise caution and look at the privacy statement applicable to the website in question.

Social media

Iconicarchive is not active on any social media platform.

Your rights

You have the right to be informed about the personal data we collect, their origin and use, and the purpose of data processing, as well as the right to require us to correct, block or delete those data at any time and free of charge. In order to do so and for any further questions concerning our privacy policy, please contact us.

Changes to our privacy policy

We keep our privacy policy under regular review and we will place any updates on this webpage. This privacy notice was last updated on 28 May 2018.